Step-by-Step HTML: A Beginner’s Guide to Web Development (Copy 1)
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Html Pre Tag:-

This is an example of pre-formatted text.
It preserves both spaces and line breaks.
You can use it to display code snippets or other text that should be formatted exactly as it appears.

Html Hr Tag:-

<hr> This tag creates a horizontal line across the page, which can be used to visually divide sections of content.

It is often used to separate a heading from the body of the text or to separate two different topics.

This is an example of pre-formatted text.
It preserves both spaces and line breaks.
You can use it to display code snippets or other text that should be formatted exactly as it appears.

<br> tag:-

The <br> tag inserts a single line break. It is useful for writing addresses or poems.

This is an example of pre-formatted text.
It preserves both spaces and line breaks.
You can use it to display code snippets or other text that should be formatted exactly as it appears.
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